BBL & ClearScan Laser Hair Reduction

Unwanted facial or body hair can be difficult. We can reduce unwanted hair growth on any skin type with advanced laser technology or intense pulse light therapy.

Laser hair reduction works by delivering a highly concentrated pulse of energy (laser or intense pulsed light) to the follicular pigment of hairs in the active portion of the growth cycle.  Laser or light energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles and converted to heat, diffusing to and injuring stem cells in the bulb and bulge.

Effective hair reduction can only be achieved during the active growth phase and hair reduction is considered permanent when a significant amount of hair does not return for a period of time longer than the complete growth cycle. After a series of treatments, most hair is permanently removed. However, if hair does regrow it will be finer and lighter than before. Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy, etc.) and some medications (hormone-based contraceptives, oral steroids)  may trigger additional hair growth during or after a series of hair reduction treatments.

Laser hair reduction is most effective on dark, pigmented hair as it is the pigment that absorbs the laser/light energy.  Laser hair reduction is not the best treatment option for blonde, gray, or white hair; nor will laser hair reduction be effective in eliminating vellus hair (peach fuzz).

Regardless of the area treated, laser hair reduction is best performed in a series of 5-12 treatments, as the laser/light energy only affects hairs in the active portion of the growth cycle.  Treatments for facial areas are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart, while treatments for most body areas are scheduled 6-8 weeks apart.

After completing a series of treatments, you may need to come in for maintenance treatments as you notice active growth.  Maintenance treatments are billed at the single treatment price.

Important Considerations During Your Course of Treatment:

  • Shaving is the only method of hair removal that can be used concurrent with a series of laser hair reduction treatments.  Plucking, waxing, bleaching, or using depilatory creams all disrupt the target follicles and render treatment ineffective.
  • It is advised to wait a minimum of 4 weeks after plucking, waxing, or bleaching before scheduling laser hair reduction to allow time for the follicle to regenerate.
  • Hair must be trimmed / shaved prior to treatment.  If hair in the treatment area is too long, the laser/light energy will be absorbed by the pigment in the hair on top of the skin and not by the pigment in the follicle of the hair, thereby rendering treatment less effective.
  • Laser hair reduction causes extreme sensitivity to the sun in the hours after treatment.  Unprotected sun exposure / tanning after laser hair reduction treatment can cause blistering and burning of the treated area.