BBL Skin Rejuvenation

BroadBand Light (BBL) Photorejuvenation

BroadBand Light Skin Rejuvenation therapy utilizes Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to rejuvenate the skin, remove unwanted vascular lesions and disoloration of the skin. The treatment also has the ability to reduce the appearance of fine skin lines by stimulating new collagen growth to tighten the skin and promote a vibrant glow to your skin with virtually no down time.

Many individuals suffer from rosacea, which is characterized by skin redness, telangiectasias (multiple small capillary vessels), and acne lesions. Our IPL treatments selectively destroy the abnormal vessels seen in individuals with rosacea.

BBL Skin Rejuvenation generally requires a series of 3 to 5 treatments for the correction of pigmented lesions. Treatment of facial redness, facial telangiectasia, and broken capillaries may require only 1 to 2 treatments.

One month after 1 BBL treatment

BBL Skin Rejuvenation

A recent study by Stanford University published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology shows that Sciton BBL treatments can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble young skin, providing a functional change rather than a cosmetic “mimic” of a youthful appearance.

As stated in this study, “Patients who maintain a regular regimen of BBL treatments annually can reduce and delay the long term signs of skin aging in a way that looks very natural.” Click to learn more!

To reduce and delay the long term signs of skin aging, we recommend the following Forever Young protocol:

Age 29-39: 2x Forever Young BBL treatments / year

Age 40-49: 3x Forever Young BBL treatments / year

Age 50-plus: 4x Forever Young BBL treatments / year

Before (58 y.o.) & After (67 y.o.) 9 years of BBL treatments: the skin looks younger, smoother, and brighter!

Before (43 y.o.) and After (55 y.o.) 12 years of BBL treatments