Profractional Resurfacing

ProFractional Therapy

ProFractional therapy uses pin-point laser beams to ablate thousands of  narrow-diameter channels into the skin, directly treating just a fraction of the total surface area, hence the name ProFractional.  Leaving surrounding tissue intact helps promote rapid healing due to presence of stem cells and melanocytes in the papillary dermis.  The result is the formation of new collagen and elastin, which combine to bring increased turgor and thickness to the skin.

Like our full-field ablative resurfacing, the treatment parameters for our ProFractional Therapy are completely customizable and tunable down to the micron.  The benefits of fractional resurfacing versus full field resurfacing include decreased downtime and increased patient comfort.  ProFractional treatments take about 30-45 minutes, are performed with topical anesthetic, as well as the aid of our Zimmer Chiller, and are generally very well tolerated.

ProFractional therapy is an excellent treatment option for the correction of acne scarring, fine lines, dull/tired skin, melasma, and general rejuvenation of skin texture and tone.

Post-treatment, patients can expect mild swelling and pin-point bleeding accompanied by redness and a sun-burn sensation that lasts 48-72 hours.  Most ProFractional patients are able to apply makeup and return to work within 3 days of thier procedure.  Results of a treatment can be realized as early as one month post-procedure, but because ProFractional Therapy relies so heavily on collagen remodeling, the true results are realized at 4-6 months post-treatment.

Because we’re only treating a fraction of the skin, multiple treatments may be advised to acheive the desired level of correction.  Subsequent treatments are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

ProFractional works very well as a stand-alone procedure, but can be combined with other treatments for even more dramatic results. Some examples of combination therapies include:

ProFractional + BBL: Start with Sciton’s BBL for full field treatment to remove pigmented and vascular lesions, followed by ProFractional Therapy

ProFractional + SkinTyte: Start with SkinTyte to improve skin laxity and jump-start collagen production, followed by ProFractional Therapy

ProFractional + MicroLaserPeel:  Start with Sciton’s MicroLaserPeel for full field treatment to remove superficial irregularities followed by ProFractional Therapy to stimulate collagen remodeling through deep fractional ablation.  This treatment offers our most dramatic results.

Visit Resurfacing Perfected to learn more about resurfacing options at Winchester Laser Cosmetic.