Laser Resurfacing

Ablative Laser Resurfacing


The NanoLaserPeel™ is our mildest form of ablative laser resurfacing, achieving depths of 4-10 microns  This peel is minimally invasive with only 24-48 hour of downtime and is performed in as little as 20 minutes.  There is no need for topical anesthetic, but the procedure is virtually painless, thanks to the continuous stream of ice-cold air provided by our Zimmer Chiller.

The NanoLaserPeel™ is an excellent option for those wishing to “wake up” dull, tired looking skin, for maintaining the results of more aggressive treatments, and for enhancing the results of clinical grade home care products.   One NanoLaserPeel™ has the same rejuvenative effect as 3-5 microdermabrasion treatments and results in a smoother, more radiant and polished complexion.  More thorough, long-lasting results can be achieved with a series of 5 NanoLaserPeel™.  Performing a series of NanoLaserPeel™, with peels spaced about 4 weeks apart, can have a cumulative effect that will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as the uneven texture associated with sun damage.

MicroLaser Peel Superficial Resurfacing

This procedure removes skin layers between 10-30 microns in depth, expanding our available treatment offerings from partial to full epidermal skin peels. The MicroLaserPeel™ is more aggressive than the NanoLaserPeel™. (upto 10 microns in depth) but not as aggressive as our laser skin resurfacing. It is performed with topical anesthesia and the Zimmer Chiller to increase your comfort during the 30-45 minute treatment.

The MicroLaserPeel™ is ideal for the patient just beginning to show signs of aging such as fine lines, rough texture, dull and uneven skin tone.  Minor correction of pigment irregularities may aslo be achieved with a series of treatments. The MicroLaserPeel™ can also be combined with our ProFractional therapy for even more dramatic results.

Individuals will experience sloughing of the outer layer of their skin, minor swelling, and redness. Healing will generally take 3-4 days, but is dependent upon the depth of the treatment, adherance to post-treatment protocol, and the individual’s personal healing ability. We recommend 2-4 treatments to maximize your results and we offer affordable bundled packages. Individuals prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation may be required to pre-treat the skin with prescription strength pigment suppressors 4-6 weeks prior to treatment to prevent complications.

Deep Laser Peel Resurfacing

Looking for unparalleled wrinkle reduction and dramatic improvements in skin tone & texture?  Deep Laser Resurfacing is your answer.  Similar to the MicroLaser Peel in that it removes layers of skin with micron precision, but much deeper.

Deep Laser Resurfacing can address deep wrinkles (even in difficult to treat areas like around the mouth and eyes), scars, and poor skin tone and texture.  This treatment also stimulates the growth of new collagen to improve the skin’s thickness and resilience. No other non-surgical technology can turn back the clock as effectively as Contour TRL.  For optimal results, Deep Laser Resurfacing may be combined with our ProFractional therapy for additional collagen remodeling.

Post-procedure, patients can expect swelling, redness, and sloughing of dead, dehydrated skin.  Discomfort can be managed with Extra Strength Tylenol and cold compresses.  Deep Laser Resurfacing generally involves 7-10 days of downtime, followed by an additional few weeks of pinkness and new skin grows to replace the layers that were removed.    Adherence to a strict follow-up schedule and skin care routine is required.  The procedure is well tolerated with a topical anesthetic cream.

Learn more about Deep Resurfacing at Resurfacing Perfected.